Psst! Watch Phototropism, my reactive experiment.

Checkers, Glitchy Checkers


Why, hello! First things first, the game has a name. It’s called Glitchy Checkers and I’m about to release it! Woo-hoo! I’d love it to be on the App Store before Christmas.

I started making a website for the game at I also created a Twitter profile at @GlitchyCheckers and a Facebook page, so you can follow, retweet, share, and like everything. ;) If you want to get updates the old fashioned way, there’s still the email newsletter you can subscribe to.

A video posted by Maciej Konieczny (@narfdotpl) on

I didn’t write about Checkers on the blog in the last months. A few interesting things popped up during development that I hope to write up after the launch. I made some important changes in my personal life too: a month ago I moved to a new apartment, left my job, and bought a 5k iMac. Yeah. In the last two weeks of funemployment, I began getting Glitchy Checkers ready for the release: adding sound, the “About” screen, playing the game with friends, making last tweaks, creating the website, etc.

Now that it’s more “real”, I’m getting excited! :) I’ll keep you posted about the release. Follow me on Twitter at @narfdotpl not to miss it.

Checkers series